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The IPM implementation plan is a brief statement acknowledging the school or district's adoption of an IPM policy and plan. 

Sample IPM Implementation Plans


Pests are populations of living organism (animals, plants, or microorganism) that interfere with use of healthcare and other facilities for human purposes.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach that establishes a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks.
YOUR FACILITY NAME HERE has adopted this Integrated Pest Management Plan for the buildings and grounds YOUR FACILITY NAME HERE manages. The plan outlines procedures to be followed to protect the health and safety of staff, patients and visitors from pest and pesticide hazards. The plan is designed to voluntarily comply with policies and regulations promulgated by the Department of Agriculture for public buildings and health care facilities.
Objectives of this IPM plan include:

  • Elimination of significant threats caused by pests to the health and safety of patients, staff and the public
  • Prevention of loss or damage to structures or property by pests
  • Protection of environmental quality inside and outside buildings

This IPM plan will be stored in the office of the IPM Coordinator.

Second Example of an IPM Implementation Plan

DEPARTMENT NAME plans to implement an IPM program on all DEPARTMENT NAME managed facilities which emphasizes the reduction of pests without impacting the daily operations and activities of the facilities, and compromising the health and safety of personnel working in these areas by unnecessarily exposing them to pesticides.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a technical decision making system that combines all available pest control techniques into a program for suppressing pest populations below acceptable injury levels.
These variables include, pest biology, structural and sanitation deficiencies, operational deficiencies, cultural peculiarities, and the environment. In the majority of cases, we will be able to solve pest problems using non-chemical approach through physical, mechanical, cultural means. The success of our IPM programs is directly related to our emphasis on procurement of qualified IPM contractors, IPM Support Staff training on contract management & quality control and IPM awareness communication with our facility tenants.
We will continue to explore & test new pest management technologies to achieve our reduced risk pest management strategy.