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Health Department Administrative Code R392-200-7(12)

Every public, private and charter school (K-12 and attached preschools) in Utah must now have a written Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy and plan that is followed by the district or school, and that is available for inspection upon request by a local health official. This requirement is part of the amended Utah Administrative Code R392-200-7(12), Pest Management, otherwise known as the "School Rule."

This page was created to assist schools and/or districts in the construction of an IPM plan. Links to model IPM policies and plans can be found below. The Utah State University model IPM Policy and plan below is a comprehensive plan that adheres to Utah Administrative Rule R392-200-7(12). The other model plans and guides can be used to create an ideal plan for your school or district.

IPM Policies and Plans: Getting Started

The following document is a template for your IPM policy and plan. It contains an outline of what is required to comply with the school rule.

Base School IPM Plan Template (.doc)

  • BOLD sections of text in this document are taken directly from Utah administrative code and must be addressed in your final IPM plan.
  • BLUE text is intended to give guidance on what should be contained in a particular section and can be deleted from your final plan.
  • Paragraphs shown in regular non-bold text provide suggestions on how to best accomplish the bolded, mandatory sections of the plan. These paragraphs can be altered or eliminated from your district’s final plan; however, successful IPM programs typically contain all suggestions given in this plan.

What Should Be Included in the Plan?

The following links provide explanations of each section of the school IPM policy and plan that is required by law. They also provide examples of pertinent language that can be cut-and-pasted directly into your IPM policy and plan to create a thorough and effective document.

For additional help, refer to the University of Arizona Extension's guide to preparing a school IPM plan.